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Published on Thursday, Sep 2nd 2021.

It’s the middle of the day in the middle of the week and Zlata Shine – a blonde MILF who recently divorced her wealthy husband – is bored and horny at her newly obtained multimillion-euro estate. To pass the time, she decides to jump in the shower and ram herself with her favorite dildo. Her little masturbatory session is interrupted when she hears a knock downstairs. Quickly dressing in a revealing blouse and underwear, she rushes down to open the door. On the other side of it is a young stud who’s there to interview for a personal assistant position. But Zlata is interested in more than business assistant – she needs dick assistance. So, she leverages her position of authority along with her big tits and tight body to seduce the young job seeker. Within a matter of minutes, he’s slamming his hard cock into all of Zlata’s holes. Needless to say, he got the job.

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