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Published on Tuesday, Oct 28th 2014.

Melena Maria from the Russian Federation knows how she can make guys ache worldwide. She stands before us in her bright pink lacy top and blue jean skirt--not to mention colorful strappy heels that look really pretty on her size 7.5 feet--and she knows that if she gave the command, we’d be ready to spray our first loads studying her while she’s still fully dressed! But this brown-eyed tantalizer is going to show us so much more, as she slides aside her clothes and thong to reveal her mouthwatering 34A perkies and her wet tight pink core. She slips her pink-polished fingers deeply into her peach and rosebud, with the juices glistening as she probes in closeups so powerful that they will almost make you think you can inhale her enticing aromas. Then this hot babe takes care of herself in her Full HD erotic video and nude pics with a clear glass ribbed dildo that will show you just how uninhibited she can get!

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