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Published on Saturday, Feb 8th 2014.

Connie from Hungary shows herself to be an amazing cocksucker indeed with this threesome. She and Totti are enacting a scene for erotica director Thomas Stone, and in a flash she’s down on her knees before Totti’s big dick, giving him extraordinary cock sucking indeed, showing off deepthroat skills that must be the envy of her girlfriends. Thomas comes in close with his camera to record all the slurpy action, then decides he himself has to check out this sensational throat too. Connie then sucks Thomas and even tries to put his cock in her mouth at the same time that she slips Totti’s tip in there. Well, she gives it a valiant try but Nature hasn’t yet caught up with Connie’s hungers; maybe in five thousand years the human female mouth will widen enough via evolution to easily take two schlongs! Until then, though, Connie does admirably with the lips she has. This girl is absolutely ravenous for meat, and she jacks and blows these gents from many different positions and really deeply (where does all that cock go in her head?) until finally they gift her with the goo, which pours out of her mouth, down her chin, and along her tits and tummy to signify blowjobs truly well-done!

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