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Published on Thursday, Mar 7th 2013.

Coming to us once again from the USA is Maserati, whose body is truly a force of nature. What mere boulder-holder can manage to tame her 36H colossi? She could open up a theme park in her cleavage alone! Posing for us in a halter bra, pink miniskirt and pink pumps, she not only teases with her tits but with her magnificent thighs as well. Opening her bra, she lets us see her floppers hanging almost free, but not quite; tempting us with her as-yet unseen nipples. She squeezes her tits to continue to cover the nips, but then finally offers them to us bare to the air with a richly lipsticked smile as she holds both melons together in a lust-inspiring loaf. Denys DeFrancesco and his crews get loads of shots of her jugs as she presses them together with her upper arms and hands, and then of course she plays with her pink pussy too, before leaning over to give us incredible sideboob views as she presses her bells against a green table. Maserati also has a fantastic meaty ass, and you will have a hard time deciding which cleavage is more hypnotic--that of her bosom, or that of her bottom. But no rush, pilgrim--take plenty of time to decide which you want to stroke over first!

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