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Published on Wednesday, Dec 26th 2012.

If you want to see a pair of the most suckable nipples around, check Victoria Summers as she slips her beauteous rack out of her pink satiny bustier--after a suitable interlude of cleavage teasing, of course--and gives us a long peek at the biggest, chewiest, and pinkest raspberry-like nubs we’ve seen in quite some time! Vicky’s also wearing white thigh high stockings and white heels, which accentuate her sexy legs well. She stands over us as her nipples approach our erotic consciousness like meteors coming toward earth, filling our field of vision with their lusciousness even as she tugs aside her panties and reveals her pierced pussy too. In fact, that clam is amazing in its own way, because when she pulls it apart it almost looks like a little pink tent! Don t miss the great low angle shot where she s looming over us with that amazing combo of nips n lips. It sure would be fun to be invited inside that sweet alcove, with a few sidetrips to savor the fruit above!

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