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Published on Wednesday, Jul 27th 2011.

Meet Newcomer Victoria Blaze as this black-haired beauty tugs off her transparent blouse to tease us in her sea-green bra and panties. She’s got some tantalizing cleavage in her cups, and a shaven pussy under the filmy panties, which she quickly starts rubbing with her elegantly manicured fingers. Victoria shows us her tight ass, as well as her curvy calves on her strappy gray high heels. She slowly takes off her lingerie, but coyly covers up her nipples until she feels ready to expose herself. Soon enough, though, she shows us all, and we get some good low-angle views of her snatch and seat thanks to the ever-vigilant cameras of Denys DeFrancesco and his crews. Miss Blaze leans over a chair, inviting us to daydream about her in the doggie style mode. We’re ready when you are, Victoria!

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