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Published on Wednesday, Jun 8th 2011.

We present a cute blonde newcomer named Bella. Underneath her blue minidress she’s got snowy white lingerie that showcases her body beautifully. Taking off her bra and panties, she treats us to her sweet titties, which she holds up for our inspection and approval. Peeling away her panties, standing up and bending over, she then unveils her delectable pussy and asshole as if inviting us to take a lick or a poke. She sure looks good!! Laying down, Bella opens her mouth, sucks her finger, and then slips it into her quim. At first she fingers herself with a smile, but then the passionate pleasure of her probing overtakes her and she gets more serious and lustful. Comfy on the couch, she’s ready to be fucked, lifting her legs and continuing to play with her snatch. She keeps sticking two fingers inside herself, waiting for one of us to jump into the picture! If only that were possible!!

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