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Published on Sunday, Feb 20th 2011.

Do you ever wonder what the models do just before they show up for their shoots? I have no idea what Denisa Heaven actually did, but on the basis of a single image in her pictorial, I had the fantasy that she got well-fucked before she came to the photo studio. That’s because after all her red lingerie teasing and panty sniffing and rubber dildo play, we suddenly see a trickle of what looks like someone’s load leaking out of her pussy in shot #90. Yes, I can well imagine Denisa getting thoroughly spermed by a hung lover, and then showing up for work with that creamy deposit still inside--while knowing that the closeup cameras of Denys DeFrancesco and his crews would capture it for posterity as it began to trickle out of her dildo-loosened slit! Interesting theory, no? Think about it, or whatever else comes into your head, as you view her pix and HD video!

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