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Published on Wednesday, Jun 3rd 2009.

Licking her lips and shooting darts at us with her eyes, Jennyfer G comes into the studio G ed out in her hot outfit! Her glossy lipstick , cross necklace, and strategically placed tattoos create their own Bermuda triangle in which if any man enters, he may be lost forever in her juicy love!Supple young titties and a signature heart shaped Hungarian derriere really set her up a few notches. Suede boots draw our attention, but not for long as she removes her squirrel cover and gives us a taste of her smooth luscious tart! We even get a peek at her little pearl in the boat. Crafty as can be, she starts sucking on the beef stick and smacking it up with her tongue! Actually some of the best tongue work that Ive seen yet! Mmmmm, Jennyfer, come back to us soon!

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