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Published on Saturday, Feb 7th 2009.

Jennifer from the Czech Republic entertains us with her pretty titties as she rolls around on a bed in her bra and panties. Our DDF lenses come in tight for amazing images of her brown ever-so-suckable nipples, with some great shots as she leans forward and presses her bells together with her upper arms. Then this sexy dolly lays back and takes out her double-dong, licking it and rubbing it between her boobs but then sliding it into her smooth snatch and asshole. Taking a breather from the toy, Jenn stands up and shows us her long legs and tasty butt, but then she gets back down on the bed and invades both her holes once again with the clear rubber two-headed prick. Jennifer really has quite a capacity for penetration, as you’ll see as she fills herself over and over again, and our cams capture it all. Then afterward she pulls out the toy so we can imagine soothing her well-plunged vag and rosebud with our horny tongues! But with all the concentration on her crotch, don’t forget to enjoy Jennifer’s lovely brown-eyed face--she’s a very pretty and sweet looking girl as well as a raunchy no-holes-barred performer!

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