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Published on Wednesday, Jan 23rd 2008.

The petite Suzie Carina is back and taking her tight body and painted toe nails into the shower for some wet and wild fun. See her lathered up legs get shaved before she washes and dries her feet and toes!There are certain women in this world that can just look at a man and make them just completely lose any train of thought they might have had and just completely go under the womens spell. Suzie is is the embodiment of that. From her perfect suckable toes , calves, and creamy delicious thighs to her juicy pussy thats so pretty it has hearts and flowers just floating around it and blowing kisses to everyone. She Lathers her feet up really well in this scene and one could just imagine how she would lather our cock and balls! We even get a shaving treat is she makes her legs super silken and hair free!

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