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Published on Thursday, Jun 19th 2008.

The bait bus gang is driving around with a double headed dildo, and Sunshine cannot keep herself from sucking it. Later she wraps the rubber dildo in a blanket while she held it in her arms as she lets everyone know she loves to lick cock. Minutes after, she even ded to breast feed the dildo. Anyways, they pick up Rusty, or Sunshine walks out and hooks in Rusty. Rusty and Sunshine begin flirting, and the blind fold goes on, and Ryan climbs in to lick the cock. When the blind fold goes off, Rusty is bitter as fuck, and he pushes Ryan away, but $5,000 to fuck Ryan in the butt hole, with the promise of fucking sunshine afterward is too tempting of an offer to pass up. So Rusty fucked Ryan doggy, and missionary, then he came on his ass.

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