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Published on Thursday, Jul 19th 2007.

Hey guys this week was amazing, it was fucking raining but we find a Gino, he jump in the bus and we start talking about the women in Miami and different things. Finally, we convince him to let Brandy suck his cock blindfold, when Jamie was sucking his dick he touches his head and push him really hard. We had to stop the bus to let him go out because he almost hit us. He was insane and we were scared as fuck, he was the bad guy. Then we moved to the other side of the city and we find this other shy guy, the good guy, we offer him a ride and he let Brandy blindfold him to suck his cock. We he find it out it was Jamie we offer him a couple thousands dollars to fuck Jamie hard and after that to fuck Brandy, he accepted it for five thousands. He fuck him really hard. After all this shit we drop him with Brandy and she went up again in the bus to get the purse and Todd drove away. He was the baited, It was so funny, come and check it out.

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