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Published on Tuesday, May 30th 2023.

You wake up at night when your step mom sucks your cock. You had a nightmare again and your step mommy has always been able to calm you down with that way. As always, you also calm down now when you cum into your step mommy s mouth. In the morning, your step mommy will come to make sure you are okay. Your step mommy wants to take care of you and starts rubbing you. Your step mom says you ve always liked it when your step mom touches your cock. Your step mom knows it feels good and is good for you. You will make it to school on time, your step mommy assures you. At school, you see your step mommy in the school hallway. She has come to bring you a snack because you have a long day at school. Your step mommy also knows how to relieve your stress, so you hide in the school closet during the school day. When you come home from school, your step mommy has been waiting for you. She knows what you want, so your step mom is already in the bedroom. Your step mommy knows that you are in love with

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