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Published on Saturday, Nov 12th 2022.

It seems to me that we all live a little boring - but what do you think? It became interesting to me to make an experiment. It s pretty boring to just tape a guy to a pole with black tape. But if you put on a grunting gas mask, the world explodes with bright colors of new sensations. What does the person who is packed as a gift or item for long-term storage feel? And if you limit his ability to hear and see a little? There is also some limitation of mobility. Yes, my experiments are sometimes strange - but Nicky loves them! Everything needs to be done gradually. Take your time. We can also calmly follow the change in Nicky s state during the packaging process. Wrapping a guy with wrap is a great practice. Around the pillar. And also put a gas mask on him. I really like the sounds he makes at that moment.

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