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Published on Tuesday, Sep 4th 2007.

Lucky has her favorite playmate on a leash strolling through the forest. Their brilliant latex clothes radiate in the sunshine and flow in the gentle breeze. They come to an open meadow and Lucky decides it s a nice place for a picnic and a little fun with her friend. The rubber is slowly pealed away as Lucky directs the activities exposing ever more naked skin to the oscillating sunshine. Eventually most of their latex garb is lying on the blanket and grass around them. Lucky dons a strap on and goes at her playmate from behind in doggy fashion. Lucy rides the black phalanx to vibrating orgasm. And it s not too soon, as the landowner is hailing them from across the field chasing the two damsels out of the meadow. Will he catch them? What will he do? Hmmm! See the next installment in the spanking section to find out.

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