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Published on Sunday, Jan 28th 2007.

Perched on a point of a triangle, her poor pussy and asshole bear all the weight of her body. This is how the ravishing provocative beauty, Zafira is introduced to a submissive slave role. She whimpers and wines as time wears on and the point of the pinnacle splits her tender nether parts. When she is released her disposition becomes docile and cooperative. Her slave tutor puts her through a routine she will have to perform often as a slave girl. Watch as she learns the submissive positions that open up and display her body, making it ready for any masters wanting. She endures nipple clamps and an introduction to the whip. At the end of her second day she is rewarded for her quick acumen. The poor girl is impaled on a vibrator and bound in place, then told that she is allowed to have an orgasm. Her body spasms and gyrates, finally she stands limp with the vibrator buried deep within her.

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