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Published on Wednesday, Jan 31st 2024.

In this installment of Masturbate Theater, Kimberly Kane dedicates a story to all of you sissy boys. Get out your panties, heels, and stockings and get ready for some special time with Kimberly. She reads you a story called Great Aunt Vera s Panties by the fire. Kimberly knows how much of a panty sissy you are and she is completely certain that you will listen as you stroke your dick. This is not just story time. Oh, no, it is more than that. As Kimberly reads this sexy story, she makes sure that you are paying attention and doing as you are told. In fact, she offers you her bra to try on as you play with yourself. Now Kimberly removes her skirt to reveal her beautiful stockings and you see she wears no panties herself. After she finishes reading you her story, she gives you her complete attention and sweetly commands you through the rest of your jerk off session with her. She is specific and you are to follow her every word, including filling your pretty panties with as much cum as yo

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