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Published on Monday, Jun 12th 2023.

Kendra Heart. Tags: POV, Blowjob, Deepthroat, Swallow, Brunette<br><br>Deepthroating Her Way To Our Hearts. Well who knew! Our little favorite fuck doll just became a DEEPTHROAT SIREN! Yes, here she is back again, Ms. Kendra Heart. We first met her a few months back in her FIRST SCENE EVER at Shes Brand New. We saw something in that little cuties eye. Or maybe that was a load of cum. Oh wait, no that was when we gave her a faceload at Facials Forever. Well no Newbie has completed the cycle unless she deepthroats her way in to our hearts. No pun intended. But she boobed and choked her way right there. XO Kendra...whats next for you with TWM? Possibilities, possibilities... ~Scott Hancock

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