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Published on Thursday, Jan 12th 2023.

I just got done swimming in the ocean and did not feel right after swimming through some things I thought were fish eggs. So I took a nap and woke up to one of them in my bikini bottoms! After freaking out and showering off I got dressed and noticed my belly looked bigger. I was also super horny and jumped on my husbands big dick and fucked him hardcore until he filled my pussy up. I went to clean up only to find my belly was huge, like I was nine months pregnant! I ran to hubby only to have extreme labor pains and then my water broke all over the place and the next thing I know I am squirting eggs out of my vagina! Got a hardcore impregnation fantasy with rapid belly growth? Then this is your video! milf stella, impregnation fantasy, pregnant, preggo, pregnant belly, rapid pregnancy, alien, paranormal, big boobs, bikini, shower, creampie, birth, eggs, delivery, deliver, water breaks, water breaking, niche, fetish, hardcore, 3d print, 3d printed,

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