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Published on Wednesday, Jan 4th 2023.

Exchange student (18) deflowered!<br>This young exchange student from Japan was already a sugar-sweet treat. But of course much for me. But when he asked in his sweet way whether I had something to plug in (he meant the socket) I couldn t help it. I just had to eat him now, but I didn t know at the time that he hadn t had sex with a woman. Yes, he was extremely shy and didn t know exactly where and how to touch me, but he quickly understood how it was done and had his first great sex. He would certainly never have dreamed that he would lose his virginity with a MILF, but with me he was in good hands<br>Tags : porn, porno, teen, pussy, hardcore, hot, pornstar, milf, blowjob, doggystyle, amateur, homemade, mature, teenie, pussyfucking, horny, amateurs

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