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Published on Wednesday, Jan 4th 2023.

His first time and then that !! Condom burst !!<br>I noticed him directly in the new club; Young and shy, he often sat alone in the evening and looked at everything. When he was sitting there completely alone again, I simply spoke to him. Yes, it was the first time ever in a club and I felt that he hadn t really had sex as often as he did. Or was he maybe still a virgin? I wanted to know more about it and started flirting with him, which was immediately successful. It quickly got down to business and this young stranger was really well equipped. He fucked me horny to orgasm and when he took me doggy he came. But why did it feel damp and wet? Oh no, the condom had burst and all his sperm landed unprotected in my cunt! And now? No idea how to go on now, wait and see !!<br>Tags : porn, porno, pussy, fucking, hardcore, hot, pornstar, milf, blowjob, fingering, homemade, mature, fuck, pussyfucking, horny

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