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Published on Wednesday, Jul 13th 2022.

Here is a testament, that VR porn is not just for guys... Jessie Saint been busted masturbating to VR porn, and with the dildo on the side of her bed, we can be sure, that she is not just proficient using her hands doing whatever makes her satisfied...<br>It turns out, that her guy intruded her room without her permission. And this is how she was busted masturbating. Jessie quickly agonizes about him breaking into her own room like this. He removes the blanket very quickly from the top of herself instead of giving an explanation. It revealed, that this lovely blondes fit body still covered with unneccessary items like panties and such.<br>Her guy seems to be not happy about she masturbating - but we all know what is the real struggle here. He wants to fuck Jessie for sure!<br>She argues with him for a bit. She claims, that she was very bored alone listening to him and her mom fucking all night long. All these moanings and such were bugging her, so she needed to do something with the s

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