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Published on Saturday, Jun 11th 2022.

Monogamy Sex Board Game: 2.3 hours edited into 50 min video - Plenty of foreplay, tease, stripping, erotic dancing, sex with a long build up.<br>There are a lot of things you may need depending on the card you land on. Massage Oil, Food that can be consumed off your body, Drink are the essentials and music, but very likely you may need hand cuffs, blind fold, ice cubes, cucumber, dildo, vibrator which may or may not come up on the cards as well as other items. For those not used to exploring new things, don’t read the cards until you play the game, they may seem scary but when you’re in that mood, your likely just do it anyway. <br>Monogamy is a LONG game. Every time we have played it, it has been 2-3 hours. It is a long build up and takes a while to get going deliberately to build up slowly. 4/5 times we played we never finished the game as the ‘Desire’ to fuck one another was too great and its EASY to get carried away. This time we was determined to finish the same so was a bit stric

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