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Published on Monday, Apr 25th 2022.

KikiCali is your AB- and regression babysitter. she s reading a fun interactive book and then checks your diapers and you re pretty soaked! It s time for a diapee change and she picks out a lil paws and fluffs it up. She s so sweet and loving with all her cutsie talk!! She lotions and powders you up, closes the diaper and tries to give you a bottle. You re being fussy and don t want a boba... you want the real thing. Kiki realizes it and knows you want to suckle on her boobies so she takes it out and cuddles you as you suckle. It s a nice long breastfeeding scene as she coos. then it s naptime and she closes the adult crib door.<br>Tags : breasts, breastfeeding, diaper, abdl, diapers, adultbaby

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