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Published on Monday, Mar 7th 2022.

My wife, Ryan Conner, has not been giving me any loving for the past three months. She has constantly been working her waitress job and keeps going to the gym which leaves damn near no time for me. Every time I try to be subtle and coax a little it of affection out of her, she just brushes it off. Well today it has come to a head. I finally addressed the elephant in the room and let my stance be known on her lack of appreciation for me and all bring to our household. Well I guess the direct method was the best method, because she was quick to get my dick in her mouth and her pussy in my lap. There is nothing better than a hot wife jumping in your lap and satisfying your every need. Damn was that good!<br>Tags : milf, tattoo, big-ass, hooters, amazon, big-tits, big-dick, bbc, big-booty, big-black-cock, couples-porn, hot-wife

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