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Published on Monday, Dec 6th 2021.

I m napping on a couch and my perverted sees me and decides to take advantage of the situation. The scene is in his POV and starts with him entering the room and quietly approaching me with oil in hand. he straddles me, gently oils your tits and his dick, and slowly titfucks me underneath my top. After about two minutes, I eventually get woken up by his motion. I say Again? You re such a pervert lil I know I can t stop you, so just finish quick so I can go back to napping! . He continues in that same position and since I m now awake, I decide to help him out. Then, I complain it s taking too long. I tell him it s my turn to be in control. I sit and let him straddle me, with his legs around my waist. This trapd me with my boobs right near his cock. I slip him underneath the top and titfuck him to completion. This position is fantastic because it allows me to rock back and forth while leaning into him to get him to cum.<br>Tags : cumshot, titjob, tittyfuck, roleplay, taboo, dirty-talk,

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