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Published on Sunday, Dec 27th 2020.

Caroline Pierce is gingerly walking over to her Dr s appointment with a very full bladder, in tight VS panties &amp; purple legging pants. She s told the Dr is running late so to just have a seat. She s even less impressed when the receptionist offers her water. She s grabbing her crotch and squirming when a small escapes! She must keep holding it! When she stands up to relieve pressure, gravity does it s work &amp; shes streaming piss through her pants, making a puddle on the floor! She s mortified when the receptionist finds out &amp; starts warning people to stay back so they don t slip in her pee puddle! As she s trying to make a new appointment, she can t hold back the huge flood &amp; totally pisses her tight pants &amp; it s just streaming out in like 3 different streams &amp; splashing loudly on the floor! On the behind the scenes, she shows her pissy feet<br>Tags : pissing, wetting, omorashi, ineed2pee, female-desperation, pants-pee

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