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Published on Tuesday, Aug 11th 2020.

Is this really my last fuck? The last one I shot for you guys? No, don t worry, you will have to endure me a little longer. But it was the last fuck of a very long and hot day of shooting. All users were already heading back home, but somehow this didn t seem to get enough. I wanted to get ready in the bathroom and he came back and felt like it. But this time I wanted to really feel it. I wanted to have his cock bare in my cunt. And he definitely didn t mind. Horny he pushes his cock into my wet cunt and fucks me properly. Such a great feeling to feel him completely blank. Cool how he comes to the finals and he can squirt into my wide open pussy. Then he puts it in again and comes AGAIN…. Incredible how cool that was!<br>Tags : porn, porno, cumshot, pussy, fucking, hardcore, blonde, hot, pornstar, doggystyle, amateur, fingering, homemade, mature, pussyfucking, horny

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