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Published on Tuesday, May 12th 2020.

... .. my husband will be back soon! What a great situation. We just had a great shoot and I was lying totally relaxed on the bed with my cameraman. My husband was in the next room in the shower and my pussy was still tingling. I took his cock with my feet and the thing was already there. Crass, so I just kept going. I blow it horny and I notice how it is getting harder. He looks at me in complete disbelief, always looking at the door. He could come back in any moment ... and then? I take his tail and sit on him. I ride him horny and notice how he gets more and more restless. Will he cum soon? I just take him briefly between my tender hands and then it comes to him. Hmmmm how cool, the old man is showering and I get an extra fuck with cream. Did my husband notice something afterwards?<br>Tags : porn, porno, pussy, hardcore, hot, pornstar, creampie, milf, riding, amateur, homemade, mature, POV, horny

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