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Published on Monday, Nov 11th 2019.

Asian hottie Loosey Lu is stumbling to get home but she s locked out, yay! She s so frantic and grabbing her crotch, trying to explain on the phone how badly she needs to pee and doing a very frantic pee pee dance... but she starts pissing her tight work slacks in stages, no video cuts. It s a little bit at first... but she manages to hold it longer, then more... and more... It just keeps coming in waves &amp; she finally loses the battle, soaking her pants in shame, seperate times! It s so embarrassing when the neighbors see her soaked pissy pants &amp; she s trying to hide it. IT s a VERY SEXY Behind the Scenes where she talks about accidents and then wets her cotton panties ONTO her wet pants again!! Twice!! that s how badly she had to pee &amp; pee again...<br>Tags : peeing, wetting, omorashi, ineed2pee, female-desperation, wetting-her-panties, pee-pants

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