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Published on Saturday, Mar 11th 2017.

Peter has enjoyed his time in Miami, but alas, it’s time to go back home. He needs the apartment he’s been renting inspected so he can get his deposit back and use that money to get back home. Everything looks fine according to inspector Evie Olson, except for this missing sea shell statue. No big deal Pete thinks till he hears about the price. Uh oh! Looks like that deposit check ain’t happening. Peter is so screwed without that money. Isn’t there something he can do to get that deposit back? Lick my pussy Evie says. No, Peter, she didn’t stutter, you need to jam that pretty pussy in your face and lick it like it was your last meal. While hesitant, Peter agrees to this act of debauchery. Peter doesn t even blink about whether he should or shouldn t when it came to sliding his cock in Evie’s mouth or pussy. He was in desperate need of that check it seems.

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