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Published on Monday, Jan 16th 2017.

Izzy and Amara were being good little students studying for upcoming exams. An unexpected knock at the door took the girls away from their studies. Izzy asked who it was. A plumber, Amara reported to Izzy, he has black and cute. Izzy’s imagination began to stir her loins and she uttered out loud her deep wish to experience a black cock in her little white pussy. Amara shared in the mutual desires. But it s just a fantasy. Only a thought you have in the back of your mind. Is it not something you should act on right? Izzy and Amara, for all their book learning, seem to have skipped a lesson or two about acting on their impulses. Next thing you know, the two lovely little girls are marveling at and sucking on the plumber s big black cock. Of course, if you’re going to fulfill your fantasies, you can’t half-ass it. The girls take the luckiest plumper alive back to a bedroom and find out first hand, just how great big black cock feels deep inside them. There was definitely some pipe cleaning going on.

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