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Published on Thursday, Nov 24th 2016.

Jenna Foxx is ready to party. She’s got her hair done, nails done, everything did. She looks fly as hell and fresh to death. She’s going to be the bell of the ball. Uh oh. Jenna’s boyfriend Logan hasn’t been getting ready. He’s been working on his high score. Jenna is not amused, to put it mildly. Logan waste a few more minutes getting his score up and then he notices the work Jenna has put into her appearance. So much for getting ready - Logan is turned up over how fantastic Jenna looks. Can’t blame him - Jenna looks stunning in that pink top and her breast looking like they just want to be free. Logan sets her breast free and rocks Jenna’s body making interracial video sex magic. Somethings are just worth being late for. Jenna’s pussy is certainly worth it.

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