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Published on Tuesday, Jun 21st 2016.

Holy shit! Today s adventure gets intense. The guys rolled up on a couple with car trouble. Turns out the trouble was that the boyfriend was dumb enough to run out of gas, and it wasn’t the first time. His girlfriend was heated over being stranded. The guys offered to help them get gas, but the guy didn’t want to leave his car. This was great because now there’s a girl in the bus who’s angry at her man, and the team looks like heroes. That’s when the hating started. It didn’t take much to convince her that her man was useless, especially since he didn’t give her gas money. Now she wanted to make her new friends happy. They got her to flash and it was on from there. This cute blonde was a freak. She was horny as fuck and demanded it rough. Bruno banged the shit out of her until she was covered in cum. Then it was time to say goodbye in the classic way. Glad we were there to help. You’re welcome

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