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Published on Friday, Nov 6th 2015.

Whats up fuckers, this week I have something real special for ya ll. Some slutty looking chick came in to my shop trying to sell a ring she had acquired from some fella she had met the night before when she and her girlfriends were out partying and being sluts. Turns out the ring was no ordinary ring, it was a Super Bowl ring and this bitch had taken it from some NFL player that can t control his liquor. I know buying items like this is a high risk for me, but i got it at a good price. i couldn t pass up the opportunity to fuck this slut and get that ring. so i did. and i don t regret a damn thing! check out the video and tell me you wouldn t have done the same thing. anyway i was happier than a pig in shit. I tell you what that pussy wasn t that bad either, i like sluts and this one was right on the money! till next time, keep it warm and out of the wind.

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