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Published on Friday, Mar 20th 2015.

We were in search of a NEW Host for Girls Gone Wild and boy, did we find some amazing hotties. Chelsea Weaver, 20, was the BEST candidate for the job. After showing us a sexalicious masturbation routine, our new host jumped right into the driver s seat when it was time to take over the interviewing process and cast a new co-star. To our surprise, Tia Shelton, 22, a hot blonde, walks in ready for action. And Chelsea likes this sexy little number! After coaching this newbie out of her skirt and blouse, Chelsea then instructs her to seductively remove her sexy leopard print bra and panties. Chelsea paints a vivid picture for Tia to masturbate to, but now it s time for Chelsea get hands on with the talent... or should we say lips on! You won t want to miss this double set of D-cup action.

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