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Published on Tuesday, Jul 15th 2014.

This week could of been a disaster. Because This fuck wad named Jesus, woke up late and all the chicks were no where to be found. Luckily for us, a hot babe just happened to be jogging by. We stopped her and asked her a few questions. Damn! Her pussy is fat! We found out she was a model who just moved to Miami and needed money bad. We told her we could pay her for some work all she had to do was get in. She was eager for the money so much so she didn t hesitate to take off her panties for it. She also told us she was lonely here since she moved here from Minnesota. She needed a man. So I asked my homeboy to do what he does best, Fuck her and try to dump her somewhere. But she proved not only to be a good fuck, she was a lot harder to shake off too.

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