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Published on Tuesday, Feb 18th 2014.

Yo! Hey whats up goons. This is the wild man Jacob and I m looking at sunny south beach for some beach bunny pussy. That s where we picked up our latest Bang Bus victim. A Surfer girl by the name of Sunny. She was on her way for some morning surf under the sun when we stopped her and offered her money for an interview. She didn t refuse, well because shes a bohemian living day to day on what little money she finds. So the prospect of easy money lured her to out web. She was really cool actually, Sunny is a free as can be and was willing to do anything to please. ( with more money of course) She is a natural beauty with nice tits and a good ass. Next up my boy Donkey sweet talked her with his London accent and she was pudding in our hands. She had a bucket list and wanted to scratch it off fucking a London boy off her list. In true Bangbus fashion we ripped, dipped and ditch that beach bunny and went off on another adventure to find our next girl. Enjoy!

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