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Published on Monday, Mar 11th 2013.

Hey guys!! You must come to Budapest and get one of these foot massages; They are freaking great!! Meet Lara, she is fucking hot, and she knows how to massage dicks pretty well. I honestly wanted to get a foot massage, but once I saw one of her tits, I got turned on. From that point on all I had in my head was to fuck her. Gladly, it didn t take much money to get her naked. I was loving every minute of it, She was rubbing her awesome oily jugs against my chest and cock. Later, when we got to the fuck part, I reached heaven, she wanted to get fucked by the ass....only by the ass. Lara had the most amazing jugs I have seen in a while, and her pussy and ass were tight as fuck. I definitely will stay longer in this city.

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