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Published on Friday, Mar 8th 2013.

This weekend i decided to take a trip to the country just to see whats out there. I got to this small village outside of Prague and it was a really nice day to be out, and i was (like always) Looking to find some pussy. I walked near the station and the first person i saw was this gorgeous red hair girl. She was stunning, i mean she doesn t look like someone from that place at all. I approached her and asked for directions, she was very polite and offered to show me herself; I followed her and we talked about different things. At first i wasn t sure to ask her the usual things i ask or to offer money i tough she was going to be offended by it, but in the end this girl was just another pretty girl looking to have some fun. She took me to this abandon shack in the somewhere in the village. I pulled my cock out for her to give me a pretty awesome blow job. I felt her before and i knew her pussy was just the way a like it nice and tight. We seriously went crazy there i got to fuck this bea

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