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Published on Tuesday, Oct 23rd 2012.

Today Robert went to go check out some tennis matches and he runs into a really pretty girl with pig tails. She is really cute and innocent and shy, so Robert asks the right question to get her open, lol. They start to walk and he shows her money and she is hesitate to take but when he asks her how much she makes in a month, thats all I have to say, haha. She definitely gets very scared of doing anything in the public because she lives in that area, but Robert totally gets into her pants, literally. She shows off her pretty pussy, tits and when Robert asks her to fuck she pulls out a condom. Safe sex is better than no sex ,lol. Robert toally fucks the shit out of her and cums all over her face so fucking nice and then leaves her there to meet with her later, yeah right ,haha.

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