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Published on Tuesday, Jul 10th 2012.

Today Robert is on his way to look for some tourist attractions. He bumps into a cute girl in the street. She seems kind of scared of Robert cause how aggressive he could be, lol. She happens to be a teacher in her neighborhood. So speaks no english at all, so Robert has to go back and forth with her. He shows her some money just to talk with her about sex and she hauls ass on him, lol. He chances her down blocks away and convinces her to take his money. He flashes more money at her to show her tits and pussy and she is all of sudden ready to go. He asks her to suck his cock and to try her pussy. At first she hesitates, but is totally down. She sucks his dick so good that he cums all in her mouth and she smiles afterwards, lol Go team Robert.

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