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Published on Tuesday, Feb 7th 2012.

In this weeks bangbus update we have a very big treat for you all out there. Her name is Angelina Valentine some of you may know who she is but for those of you that don t be ready to be AMAZED. This girl is simply just nuts and such a trooper when it comes to our ordeal I mean just picking her she s there flashing all the innocent by standers like its cool lol you should of seen the faces on these people,all in good fun anyway. On to the action she is so excited to go and pick up these brave young souls and brave they are they get right on the bus and let this beautiful woman have her way with them no sweat!? lol it s a little bit more complicated than that once she unleashed on them while on camera yea there all game at first but when things get real well you ll see what I m talking about lol ENJOY!!

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