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Published on Wednesday, Nov 30th 2011.

We got a video in from some girls who decided to put their boyfriends up to the test. They got some cameras and hid them in their purses, then found each girl s boyfriend to see what they were made of. They found the first guy in the bathroom taking a piss and one of the girls moved in and offered to give him a hand job. He fell for the bait and then another girl came in to help her out.. Busted! His girlfriend came in and slapped the shit out of him. Major failure. The second guy busted in on 3 hot chicks in his dorm room but passed the test. His girlfriend rewarded him by letting him fuck one of them. This chick was hot as fuck and she got a nice load all over her tits. The last also got a nice 3 way treat from his girlfriend. Hall passes rule!

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