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Published on Sunday, Aug 28th 2011.

Here we are, just walking in the park and what to our surprise appears before us? A tugjob angel! In all seriousness though, Alanah was owning my man Shooter a tugjob so he called in to collect. He met her in the park of all places, crazy fuck! I love it! That sense of danger, of getting caught. So sexy. It was a hot day though. Alanah was trying so hard to get some spit on our guy s dick, but the heat was running her dry. Shooter told her to get naked, as it might create some spit. Can you believe Alanah was going commando? No panties! YES!! She s my kind of girl yo! While the spit trick didn t work, it didn t stop her from giving one hell of a tug! Enjoy every minute of it! Oh, and word of advice...don t look in her may just fall in love!

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