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Published on Friday, Jul 15th 2011.

We remastered this classic for your viewing pleasure & I realized I have a theory that girls walking home with grocery bags alone are freaks. I derive this theory from countless hours studying this one video you re about to watch. Countless! It s embarrassing really, but I digress. As you will witness a young woman named Isabelle was observed traveling towards her destination with a brown bag full of phallic shaped nutritional perishables. Need I say more? I will anyway. Isabelle is a half Venezuelan half Colombian latina hottie that digs guys who give her money and help her out in a moment of need. Does she take the offer the fellas put on the table? Does she board the Bang Bus with The Bang Bros? Do they tell her they re The Bang Bros on The Bang Bus? No. Does she get fucked, stuffed and kicked the fuck out on to a miscellaneous street in Miami completely far away from her destination and even further from where she picked up at? Yes. Sometimes reminiscing about old times gives you a boner. It s a fact. Enjoy!

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