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Published on Thursday, Jul 14th 2011.

One thing you can always count on when you re with three girls and you have your camera set to record. Somebody s gonna get fucked! I took out three hot little Starlets that go by the name of Charity Bangs, Marie McCray and Lizzy London to a local bar that was near by. It was hot as hell outside so these girls needed a drink. I took them inside and they already made some new friends. So these girls to talked to the bartender and some mexican roofer dude at the end of the bar who kept staring at the girls all creepy like. I told them to go and see if maybe we can talk to them and get them into letting them invite us to their cribs..well when you ve got three gorgeous women how can you refuse. so we wen to their place and sure as hell as soon as they saw the crib their panties just flew off. The bartender turned out to be a super banger extarodinaire, While the creepy Mexican was totally limp dickin around the scene. Guess we cant all be winners in the Fuck Team Five.

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