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Published on Monday, Nov 8th 2010.

What s up guys? This is the episode that you have been waiting all your life to see. That s right, here in mother fucking Sunny Fucking California your boy Shooter, the one and only, is bringing the hot temptress Persian Pele. This is one bad bitch, she s got long legs, a fierce rack, hot lips and finger tips. Pele is also sporting an insatiable hunger for black cock. This Persian princess will stop at nothing to have Diesel pump her with his Piston and gape her pussy wide open and her lips stretched out. We let Diesel show her the Helicopter and she immediately wanted to book her flight if you catch my drift. Diesel isn t one to shy away from a hot girl and was ready to give her the ol Boom! Boom! Neither is Pele She was already sucking him off and stretching her throat wide open to fit in the long schlong. I don t think Diesel can handle this one. I know the title says Shane Diesel is taking over Persia , but I think its Persia thats taking him down! Watch and Enjoy !! Boom!!

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