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Published on Monday, Oct 25th 2010.

Codi Gamble is a hot little blonde chick with a kick ass body. She s cool and she s funny, but what will grab your attention is her perfect D tatas that seem to be some sort of miracle sent from tit heaven. Once you take a look at these beauties you ll want to get in to the porn biz for your self just to see if one you too can be paired up with this pair. Codi can suck dick, fuck and wiggle her assets. I know I say this all the time, but Preston is a lucky mo fo fo sho! When I was watching this flick for the first time I was tempted to go back to my apartment for lunch if you catch my drift. You ll want to to rewind this movie a couple of times just so you can slow mo her ass bouncing up and down over and over again. Enjoy cuz I did!!

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